Monday, November 28, 2011


Nathan Selby


       Music, to some, is a way to relax or let off some of their anger toward life or people.  Others use it as a way to let people know how they are feeling or to let something be known.  In essence, music is feeling personified.  Without music of any kind, the world would be a horrible place.  There would be no birds singing, no crickets chirping, or anything.

        Music is necessary in everyday life, because it keeps people entertained and happy when they are sad or depressed.  It can allow people to see that there are others out there just like them, and that they aren’t alone.  I use music as a form of expression and I like listening to it.  Music is one of the main reasons I am in band, because it makes me happy to hear the music that God created and gave to others to spread across the world.

       To me, music is a huge part of the life.  Whether we are young or old, it helps describe us, and it says a lot about who we are.  Music is used everywhere, not just in churches, but in schools, movies, video games...etc, etc.  When people are using music, they are using one of the most powerful, influential tools in the entire world.  It can help influence the choices that young people use, such as the words they use and how they treat people with different skin color or ethnicity.  My belief is that music can never be destroyed or taken away from us.



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