Tuesday, November 8, 2011


 Ashley Sharp
Halloween is my favorite because you get to scare people and dress up in costumes.  Halloween is the best time to go to haunted houses or mazes. You get candy and lots of cool stuff, and during Halloween, you get to go with your friends and go trick or treating.  You get to see many cool things on the houses and lawns.

I love going trick or treating with friends and family.  I like it because it is fun to get candy and wear cool costumes, make-up, and fake stuff; it is pretty cool.  It is also the best time to play scary pranks on friends and family.  Here are some pranks you could do on them: Place a skeleton in a tree and as an unsuspecting victim walks by, drop it from the tree; they will be scared.  You could paint or apply fake cuts and bruises to your face and arms and then go to somebody’s house.  When they open the door, tell them you fell down and cut yourself.  You could purchase a fake hand and when you shake somebody’s hand make your hand fall off.  They will be freaked out.  Finally, get some fake blood and have another person pretend to punch you in the face.  Place some fake blood on your nose and make them believe that you have a bloody nose I have done this before and it freaked out my mom.  I laughed and I told her that I was joking.

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