Monday, November 21, 2011


Allie hunt


Comedy is a big part of my life because I am a pretty funny person, and I consider making people laugh a good thing. Comedy can make you happy when you’re sad and just have a good time laughing. It’s great when people laugh at your jokes because that means they understand them and they think they’re funny. I started making people laugh when I was little by dancing around at home in front of the TV. I think people have it in them to be funny. Whether it’s slipping and falling and smiling about it or just saying a funny joke, people have the ability to be funny, but they just have to release it. I love making people laugh because it’s really fun, and it brings people to tears when they’re laughing so hard. I am a funny kid. You can ask any of my friends. Sometimes it’s hard to make people laugh because you don’t know if they got it or if they just don’t understand what I’m talking about.

Comedy is a hard business to go into because if they don’t like it, sometimes you won’t know because people don’t want to be rude and say mean things. Comedy can start off by saying a knock knock joke or something funny to get them started. Then you can tell a really funny joke so they will be on the floor laughing. It makes me giggle when they start snorting. There is no better way to make someone laugh by saying a joke.

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