Sunday, March 20, 2011

Paige Piercy - What Do I Like About Wayne Community?

Paige Piercy
            I like Wayne Community because of the benefits it has since it’s small.  Everyone knows everyone personally or at least knows of them. We also have small movie theaters that are pretty cheap compared to bigger places. Wayne Community is a pretty quiet place and it’s also really safe. You could go on a walk by yourself and not worry about anything bad happening to you. You could play jump rope in the street and not worry about being plowed by a car. You could also sit in your backyard and not have a lot of noise to ignore. No one really minds what you do, as long as you aren’t being disruptive or doing anything wrong. There are also a lot of little places in Wayne Community that can keep you occupied, like the pool, the park, the museum, or even the movie theater. Wayne Community may be small, but being small isn’t always a bad thing!

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