Monday, November 28, 2011


Kaylee Henry

                                                                                                                                                                                           I think vampires are cool. They are scary but awesome at the same time. Although they are not real I have heard about them. Vampires don’t like garlic.  Vampires are creatures of the night that are feared by many people for the acts of violence that they commit, such as ripping their victims’ hearts out.  They suck their victim’s blood out and then stay in the dark. They have sharp teeth to drink your blood. They can kill you and possibly turn you into one of their kind.

They are hard to kill, but you can to stab them in the heart or cut their head off or even burn them with fire.  However, it is a difficult task to succeed because they are much stronger and faster than any human is.  In books or movies, they always kill the vampire, but it’s still difficult.  The movies about how they kill vampires are very interesting. 

There are many myths, stories, and other things about vampires. There are even movies and stories. There are some people out there that do believe in vampires. I am one that doesn’t believe in vampires.  There is no such thing.  I believe that when a person dies, they are dead.  They can’t come alive wanting to be a creature of the night or wanting to eat people.  I think that they are interesting creatures, and I think that it is cool that there are movies and stuff out there.  I definitely like the movies, myths, and stories about them.

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