Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Kenton Lain - What do I like about Wayne County?

What do I like about Wayne County? Most people would go, “Hmm, I don’t like anything about Wayne County”, but I take a different outlook on it. Instead of seeing a small and boring community, I see a safe and family-oriented community. What makes this community great is its unity. Everybody knows everyone and looks out for them.
Why are small communities great? Well, like I said before, there is a sense of unity. If something happens the community knows in a matter of days. This may cause you to think that if you do something wrong everyone will know it. Well yes, they may know it, but they support you instead of laughing or shaking their head at you. Everyone supporting each other is what makes it safe. That is why living in a small community is great.
“Fine, it is okay to be small, but what about boring?” you might ask. Wayne being boring may be true. There isn’t enough things to do to keep the teenagers and other kids occupied. This is the number one thing that is repeated in school about Wayne County. There may not be skate parks, a YMCA, or any other type of activity, but there is family. You can never be bored with family around. The amount of family in this community is great.  That is why being bored can be a great thing.
So, next time you are bored, walk over to your grandpa and grandma’s, cousin’s, or aunt and uncle’s house to have a good time and know that you are safe and secure in a great community.

Kenton Lain       
March 2, 2011

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