Friday, March 16, 2012

What’s New?

Dally Veach


What’s New?

Life is always changing and there are always new things coming about. In my opinion, trying new things makes someone a better person. A couple of new things going on in my life are that I am currently taking an early bird Drivers Ed course, my first year of high school track has just begun, and I just rearranged my entire room.

Drivers Ed started about three weeks ago. We have had seven classes and my partner, MaryAnn, and I have driven twice so far. In class (that’s at 6:30 am), we go over the chapter briefly, we then check our book assignment, followed my taking a short quiz. The first time we drove, we just drove locally and went over simple fundamentals of driving. Then the second time we drove we went the short distance to Chariton. We practiced merging, stopping correctly, and maintaining speed up hills, down hills, and around corners. I am looking forward to completing this class so that I can get my school permit.

After the first week and a half of track I am kind of stiff and sore. That’s normal, right?J So the first day we ran a course; it was from the school, around and up snob hill, to the cemetery, and then back to school. The second day we had to sprint up snob hill 20 times to increase our stride and then we sprinted short distances some so we could try to stride out. On Friday, the third day, we had the choice to either go to speed and agility or run after school. This week we have went out to the track because it has been so nice out.

Lastly, I rearranged my room. I moved my entertainment center, bed, and trophy shelf. Once I got all of this done I realized I was going to have an empty wall and wanted to decorate it. I decided I wanted a quote on a canvas and some pictures. I have ended up using the Winnie the Pooh quote, “You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think”. Along with that I have put up five pictures of me playing softball. I really like the way I did it. So, all in all, what I’m saying is new things can be really good and exciting.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

                                                                            Crazy woman

                                                      There once was a girl named Ann

                                                      Who lived in a big white van

                                                      She hides from the cops

                                                      So she doesn’t get caught selling pop

                                                      After that she went and bought some ham.

By Tate VanDyne

                                                                            The Scary Guy

                                                        There once was a guy named Garry

                                                              He was extremely hairy

                                                           When he would go walk

                                                           He would hear people talk

                                                           About how he was so scary.

By Logan Davis

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Limericks and More

Midnight Mysteries

Follow the ghost and solve the crime

Back in the past in the great time

An effort to solve the rhyme

To the eye that is blind

Try to correct the crime in time

By Briana Johnson

There once was a very fat cat,

Who made the cushion flat.

He wobbles when he walks,

There are many mice he stalks.

In the end, he jumped at a bat.

By Alexis McCluskey

There is a living Sarah Kelly
Who is very very smelly
She killed all the flowers
She never takes showers
She is certainly not a cinderelly

By Gabriella Buban 3/8/12

There once was a woman from Wayne,

She was so old she had to carry a cane.

People called her an old bird,

But she never heard.

It was true she would never get rid of her pain.

By Katelyn Campbell


By Cade Christian


 There once was a guy named Cade

He will never be your maid

He likes to hunt and fish

And never will wash a dish

Make me clean the house and I’ll raid


By Brandon Gassman

There once was a deer named Steve

He really liked to snort and wheeze

He had many sweet young does

But often faced his foes

In the end, he was left with a sneeze

    Betty and Teddy    
There once was a girl named Betty

Who had a dog named Teddy

Teddy was a little jumpy

While Betty was a little grumpy

Together they ate spaghetti

By Haley Hamilton

Bo’s Day

By Hillary Hamilton

My older brother is named Bo.

One cool fall he made a scarecrow.

Its head was full of gold hay.

On him landed a blue jay.

My brother named the fake man Joe.

There once was a man named Bob

He had troubles finding a job

And once there was a day

Everything went his way

He had found a job in the mob

By Chey Homann

MaryAnn Inthisan

7 March 2012

Bad Articulation

Flutter flutter, Ooo oobly ooo

I seem to mutter, when speaking to you

You say, “What’s that you said?”

Jeeze, repeating things I do dread!

There once was a kid in a cage

He never liked to get on stage

He had no other fear

He liked to hunt deer

When he misses, he goes into rage

By Draven Jellison

There once was a girl named Boob

She kind of looks like a dude

She falls to the ground

But never has a frown

And she is always in a great mood!

By Sarah Kelly

There once was a man named Trent

He was kicked out in the dark

And went to the park

Where he lived in a tent

By Jeffrey Middlebrook

Gretchen Norris

March 5, 2012

The Toad on the Road

There was a girl named Dally.

Who is a great friend with Allie.

While walking on the yellow brick road,

They found a very slimy toad.

They brought it back and fed it to Sally.

There once was a man named Jim

Who drank an excessive amount of gin.

He drank till his luck

Caused him to fall in the muck

So he now sings “Ritty Tin Tin”.

By Nathan Selby

Dally Veach


There was a dude named Ridge,

he had no food in the fridge,

he was sad,

he was mad,

and ended up under a bridge.

Time for Bed

A man once had an aching head,

So he planned to go to his bed.

In his bed there was a bear,

This gave the man quite a scare.

So he went and slept in his shed.

Caleb Schumann

There once was a boy named Fred.

He did not have a pillow for his head.

He could not sleep anywhere

So he was awake everywhere.

Then they found out he did not have a bed.

Brock Draper

There once was a dog named Pinkie

Everyone thought he was stinky

He ran away to a farm

Then he bit a man’s arm

He had to escape to the town of Helsinky

By Alyssa Green

There once was a girl name Allie.

She had a best friend named Dally.

They played around.

And fell on the ground.

And met a girl name Sally.

By Allie Hunt

There once was a gigantic hog.

He loves to sit on a log.

One day he rode in a red car.

He stuck his head out very far.

His best friend is a big dog.

                                                                By Tonia Medina
                                                                5 March 2012

There once was a guy named Frank

who happened to be at a bank.

He found out bad news,

his house he would lose

as his investment went down the tank.

By Amy Nyberg

There once was a great ship

That hit an ice cliff underneath the water

It punctured the ship’s haul

There she began to sink

People swam with great terrifying fear

By Sam Phillips


There once was a man named Bob

He loved corn on the cob

He woke up from his nap

And had a cat on his lap

Bob ate so much corn that he popped

                        By Ashley Sharp

Hope Sibert


Once there was a dark brown mouse

Who ate his owner’s new house

He chewed up the beams

And nibbled the seams

Until it all came tumbling down.

There once were four fish that lived in a tank

One ate so much food that it sank

The other fish laughed

As the poor tiny fish gasped

Little did they know it was all a prank

Ashtyn Vandersluis

Monday, November 28, 2011


Katelyn Campbell

Oct. 13, 2011

    Track is my favorite sport.  I like it because it is a team sport, but it is an individual thing, too.  No one gets mad at you if you lose and I can push myself.   I like running because it clears my mind and I am good at it.  My favorite part about track is hurdles.   It runs in the family.  My brother does hurdles and my mom’s shuttle hurdle team went to state.  My mom is kind of our hurdle coach, but unofficially.  She does clinics and comes out about halfway through practice to help us. 

My best time is 19.1 seconds.  Last year our shuttle hurdle relay team was undefeated.  Our team was Shania Austin, Mary Ann Inthisan, Karna Hampton, and I.  It is a lot of hard work though.  We would stay after practice almost every night just working on form and driving off the hurdle, and even if I did not have a hurdle then I would stretch or lift weights.  

My season of hurdles is year round.  I go out for other sports so I stay in shape.  Then as soon as it gets warm I start going to the track and running, and if they have the hurdles out then I run a few.  Hurdles take endurance, speed, form, and heart.  Without endurance you will die after about five hurdles.  If you can do all ten hurdles that is great, but if you have no form then you are going to be slow because you will probably float over the hurdle.  You also have to be fast at them, too.  Heart is probably one of the most important things in any sport.  Without it you have no desire to work hard so you can win.  Someone can be the worst runner in the world, but if they work really hard all of the time they will beat the people that may have talent, but do not work hard. 


Katelyn Campbell

Oct. 13, 2011

Horseback riding is really fun and if someone is interested they should try it.  Someone can do so many different things with a horse.  People can barrel race, pole bend, goat tie, pleasure ride, trail ride, break away roping/ calf tying and so much more.  Some people just like to play with their horse.  I like to do both.  I have an all-around horse, which means I do about everything with him.  I love spending time with my horse and brushing him and playing with him.  It is really fun when I go to Leon Youth Rodeos during the summer with my friends.  At these rodeos, I do barrels, poles, and goat tying.  When you are out there you do not realize that you are doing all of the stuff you practiced and that you are looking and kicking.  You do not even realize it.  It is kind of an adrenaline rush.  When I’m out there, I cannot hear anything else; it is just me and my horse.

    I also really enjoy going on trail rides with my friends.  It is really fun to go exploring and to make your own path.  My favorite thing to do when I am trail riding is going through water.  Sometimes during the summer, we camp somewhere and go trail riding.  We sometimes camp at my grandparents’ house.  They have an arena and quite a few acres that we can ride on. 

    On Sundays we ride at Trails End Arena at Allerton.  If it is a 4-H meeting then we usually work on our techniques, but if it is not a 4-H meeting then we usually do something fun like barrels and poles, or roping.


Logan Davis


Music has changed our country by inspiring many people. There are many different types of music such as Pop, R&B, Rock, Alternative rock, Country, ect.  I listen to Pop, Country, and Rock and my favorite is Pop.  My favorite female artist would have to be Adele, because she is an amazing singer.  Some religions have certain music they use for worship.  And there is different music you can relate to in different ways.  People, like Artists, express how they feel about something or what they have experienced in the lyrics of their songs.  Songs can sometimes change lives or how you think about things.  Music can change your mood, like if it were a fast upbeat, happy song you would be happy, and if it were a slow sad song you will probably be down and not so happy.

Music is my passion because I love singing and listening to all kinds of music, and it interests me.  There is a lot of music I can relate to.

I love how no one sounds the same and that everyone is different when they sing; they all have their own unique way of drawing things out or saying things.  Music is like a book; you don’t know if you like it until you listen to it.  For me, I like at least one song of any type or sometimes more.  Most people focus on Lyrics and not the background music.  I focus on both because the background music makes up most of the song.

Hair Styling

MaryAnn Jamieson


            When I do my hair, I enjoy it because I always have loved my hair done cute; it doesn’t matter if I am just staying home or going to the store.  I have always loved doing hair on me and other people. Doing hair is actually one of the longest things it takes to do before school.  Even if I have to wake up really early, I have to get it done.  My plan is being a cosmetologist.  Making people feel good about their selves is a good feeling to have.  I like being around & meeting new people. I would consider working in a big city because of all the people.

            Buying hair products, curling irons, straightener combs, and a lot more actually takes a lot of my money, but I love it so I buy them anyway.  If it were impossible for me to do my hair, it would have a big effect on me.  I also change the color of my hair, mostly darker.  I may change it because of the seasons like fall, spring, winter, and summer.  Being able to dye and cut my own hair actually makes me feel good because then I know I can make it as a job in the future.  Knowing that my parents like my idea of my plans for my job, makes me feel confident about my plans. Almost everyday I do my niece’s hair.  I help my mom and sister, too.  Having them trust me to dye or cut their hair makes me excited to do other people’s hair, too.